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Site Manager

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Představení pracovního místa

As a Site Manager, you will deliver all site-based construction elements associated with multi-discipline projects, on-time to fully satisfy customer requirements. You will aim to continually develop and improve communications and performance within the Projects and Construction Teams. The successful candidate will demonstrate a full understanding of the construction of electrical, elements of a project life-cycle. From the planning stage, through construction and up to commissioning.

Odpovědnost role

  • Liaising with all stakeholders to manage all construction activities, including progressing of programmes, risk assessments and method statements.
  • Holding Competent Person status (CP) administering the Electrical Safety Rules (ESR) and ensuring safety process are upheld onsite
  •  Liaising with all Client Operations Teams throughout the construction phase.
  • Receiving, managing and issuing drawings for construction at site level, checking construction meets the requirements of design.
  • Working with the Team Leaders to ensure delivery on site is done safely, efficiently and is compliant.
  • Overseeing, co-ordinating and managing all completions.
  • Managing sub-contractor onsite activities.
  • Managing internal direct reports for Construction team.
  • Providing input into design reviews as and when required.
  • Plan in advance, provision of all documentation, resources, tools, materials, consumables H&S equipment and transport, to ensure safe and efficient construction. Demonstrate this planning by providing a 1-week and 3-week lookahead.
  • Managing and co-ordinating site Acceptance Testing as required.
  • Managing the delivery of all ‘As-Built’ documentation throughout the onsite construction & commissioning phases.
  • Completing site audits and inspections when required, ensuring the highest standard of quality is maintained.

Ideální kandidát

  • Team player who has knowledge of safe systems of work and have served a recognised industrial/commercial electrical Modern Apprenticeship or degree level qualified.
  • Experience of industrial electrical containment construction to current electrical regulation
  • SSMTS Certified.

O společnosti

KUS Power Engineering, part of the BRUSH Group, is a design and build, high voltage, electrical contractor committed to outstanding customer service and the safe delivery of turnkey substation projects from 11kV to 275kV.

With a proven track record of quality outcomes, KUS Power Engineering deliver contracting services to some of the largest organisations in the industry, seamlessly managing the design and delivery of a package of works while ensuring their timely commercial closeout.


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Oznámení náborovým agenturám třetích stran Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že skupina BRUSH nepřijímá nevyžádané životopisy od personalistů. Bez souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent Acquisition Manager k předložení životopisů pro tuto roli nebude skupina BRUSH Group souhlasit s úhradou jakéhokoli poplatku za postoupení nebo náboru. V případě, že náborový pracovník nebo agentura, která podává životopis nebo kandidáta, bez předchozího souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent, si společnost BRUSH Group výslovně vyhrazuje právo tyto kandidáty sledovat a najmout bez jakéhokoli finančního závazku vůči náboru nebo agentuře. Veškeré nevyžádané životopisy, včetně životopisů předložených přímo vedoucím zaměstnancům, se považují za majetek BRUSH Group.