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Authorising Engineer HV/LV - ETA Projects

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Představení pracovního místa

Eta Projects Ltd are looking for an Authorising Engineer HV/LV, to work and give guidance on Low and High Voltage Systems up to 11kV, providing the primary audit function to the Designated Person within specified Safe Systems of Work (SSoW), whilst discharging their other Roles and Responsibilities defined within the document.

Eta Projects Ltd. provide Authorising Services to a range of clients across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Founded in 1995 primarily as a M&E Design Consultancy Eta Projects Ltd has developed its Authorising Services ergonomically as the Company has grown and now offers M&E Authorising Engineering services to a wide range of clients within the NHS and other industry sectors.

Odpovědnost role

- To monitor and audit SSoW predominately within and Healthcare environment, reporting on compliance with Statutory and Company procedures.
- Identify, develop, assess and recommend for appointment suitable candidates for appointment as an authorised Person.
- Provide timely and accurate input to incident investigations and resolve technical operational issues.
- Audit and process and findings of the Technical Compliance Audits – assist with the closure of the non-conformances.
- To manage and offer guidance of Electrical Equipment Safety Alerts.
- To issue audit findings via a technical audit report to Designated Person/Principal Engineer agreeing a suitable site AP Action Plan.
- Maintain a register of all Authorised Persons including their training records and areas of responsibility.
- To act as Technical Lead offering advice and guidance on a range of complex electrical projects and

Ideální kandidát

- Be a Chartered or an Incorporated engineer with practical and relevant technical engineering experience of working within NHS and/or MOD systems.

- Recent experience working as an Authorised Engineer or extensive experience working as a Senior Authorised Person.

- Detailed knowledge and Understanding of HTM 06/02 and HTM 06/03 and or JSP 375 Vol 3

- Degree, HND or HNC in a technical or engineering field or similar qualification.

- Technical background with respect to relevant disciplines for appointment as an Authorising Engineer to include High Voltage and Low Voltage systems.

- Experience in working within a structured safe system at work.

- Must be able to demonstrate a good understanding of UK Health and Safety Legislation and an ability to carry out risk assessments and propose actions for risk control/management.

- Full UK driving license

- Willing to Travel.

O společnosti

Eta Projects Ltd, part of the BRUSH Group, is a multi-disciplined engineering consultancy practice that specialise in mechanical, electrical and public health (MEP) infrastructure projects. Accredited and active members of many professional institutes, ETA Projects Ltd are a Lloyds registered designer for network substations up to and including 33kV and ensure business continuity for mission critical infrastructures.

Providing a wide range of specialist infrastructure design and operational support services, ETA Projects Ltd specialises in critical power systems, especially the integration of new systems into existing complex environments, including acute healthcare, environment, secure IT, education and commercial enterprises.


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