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Technical Bid Writer

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Představení pracovního místa

Your primary responsibility will be to write high quality bid responses for new tenders. You will be responsible for introducing and coordinating the bid response process, developing and maintaining a knowledge base of ‘standard’ answers and templates, as well as identifying ways to improve the quality, consistency and efficiency of the bid response process. To do this effectively you will need to liaise with other teams and senior stake holders to ensure submissions are made on time and to the required quality.

Odpovědnost role

  • Compile, edit, and proof read commercial proposals which contain technical content and designs ensuring that these are presented in a professional and concise manner.
  • Review and revise documents prepared by others and coordinate the preparation of those materials in a completed bid document
  • Determine the scope and timeline of new bids. Lead and coordinate the preparation of the bid ensuring that other contributors provide information on time to the correct standard answering the client’s needs.
  • Develop knowledge of business, its products and services by reading and review previous bid and design documents and spending time with pre sales, technical and commercial functions
  • Develop computer based document store and reference materials
  • Review and improve other customer materials and develop a consistent set of standards for other commercial functions to follow
  • Develop a set of standard templates for less complex bids
  • Provide leadership and guidance to less experienced staff

Ideální kandidát


  • Bachelor's degree in business, marketing, Engineering or a related field or relevant knowledge and experience in a similar role


  • Writing experience in a technical authoring field
  • Technical awareness including an understanding of Power systems
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Able to provide leadership and guidance to less experienced personnel
  • Able to work to tight timescales particularly when developing proposals
  • Substantial experience using MS Office including Word and PowerPoint.
  • Team and action oriented; proactive in prioritising own work load and assigned areas of responsibility to others
  • Able to influence assertively to get result


  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with the ability to effectively communicate with stakeholders at all levels
  • Strong negotiation and presentation skills
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with the ability to develop and implement effective strategies
  • Ability to work under pressure, manage multiple projects, and meet tight deadlines
  • Excellent customer service skills, with a focus on customer satisfaction and retention.
  • Results driven.
  • Knowledge of electricity network infrastructure and regulations
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Ability to analyze market trends and develop strategic plans
  • Proficient in Microsoft Project

O společnosti

KUS Power Engineering, part of the BRUSH Group, is a design and build, high voltage, electrical contractor committed to outstanding customer service and the safe delivery of turnkey substation projects from 11kV to 275kV.

With a proven track record of quality outcomes, KUS Power Engineering deliver contracting services to some of the largest organisations in the industry, seamlessly managing the design and delivery of a package of works while ensuring their timely commercial closeout.


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Oznámení náborovým agenturám třetích stran Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že skupina BRUSH nepřijímá nevyžádané životopisy od personalistů. Bez souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent Acquisition Manager k předložení životopisů pro tuto roli nebude skupina BRUSH Group souhlasit s úhradou jakéhokoli poplatku za postoupení nebo náboru. V případě, že náborový pracovník nebo agentura, která podává životopis nebo kandidáta, bez předchozího souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent, si společnost BRUSH Group výslovně vyhrazuje právo tyto kandidáty sledovat a najmout bez jakéhokoli finančního závazku vůči náboru nebo agentuře. Veškeré nevyžádané životopisy, včetně životopisů předložených přímo vedoucím zaměstnancům, se považují za majetek BRUSH Group.