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Senior Electrical Engineer

Představení pracovního místa

To design and manage the implementation of Electrical and Mechanical Building Services to ensure they fully meet the client’s requirements and that projects are delivered within budget and on programme.

  • Responsibility for a small team of Electrical Engineers.
  • The role reports to an Associate or Director.
  • The job holder is required to deputise for the Associate/Director

Odpovědnost role

  • Work with client to develop a detailed brief of their electrical and mechanical building services requirements and produce a report which demonstrates clear understanding of the client’s needs.
  • Conduct an Options Appraisal and produce a report for the client justifying the recommendations made to ensure client sign off of brief.
  • Manage the Engineers and graduates on the project team from within Rybka and guide them on all internal aspects of the programme delivery.
  • Develop effective working relationships with the wider design team (Quantity Surveyor, Architects, Structural and Civil Engineers) to ensure the whole construction project delivers the client’s needs.
  • Produce outline design, scheme design, and detailed design reports including drawings and specifications.
  • Manage the tender process to ensure the most appropriate contractors are selected to deliver the project on behalf of the client.
  • Ensure the successful completion of the physical construction of the project by monitoring and reviewing on-site activity to ensure progress and quality.
  • Ensure that effective cost controls are in place and provide advice on specific project finances to other team members to keep expenditure within budget or highlight any potential overspend and agree with the client.
  • Validate the commissioning process to ensure all products and services implemented meet the required specifications.
  • Advise on the operating and maintenance manuals produced by contractors to support the services installed.
  • Ensure the effective handover of the project from the contractor and ensure the final construction meets the agreed requirements and design intent.
  • Conduct review of H&S and risk assessments under the Construction Design and Management Regulations and sign off compliance with these regulations.
  • Maintain up to date industry knowledge of products and services to ensure the client always receives the best advice.
  • Mentor and train Undergraduate, Graduate and Engineers within the business

Ideální kandidát


  • Graduate qualification in an engineering subject (with the ability to progress to Chartered Engineer status) is essential.
  • Chartered Engineer status or working towards chartered status is desirable

Experience & Technical Skills:


  • Experience of substantial, complex construction projects.
  • Experience of working as part of a multidisciplinary team.
  • Experience of operating in an ISO9001 Quality Management System.
  • Working Knowledge of Electrical Engineering systems.
  • Appreciation and experience of the Technical Standards (Scotland) and relevant British standards.
  • Knowledge of specification, simulation and modelling techniques such as AutoCAD, IES, NBS, Cable Design, Lighting Design & lift traffic analysis.
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office packages (especially Excel).


  • Knowledge of Mechanical Engineering systems.
  • Knowledge of renewable energy technologies and low carbon design.
  • Knowledge of Planning legislative requirements.

O společnosti

RYBKA, part of the BRUSH Group, is a multi-disciplined engineering consultancy practice that specialise in mechanical, electrical and public health (MEP) projects in the built environment. With offices based across Scotland, RYBKA are recognised for their environmentally friendly projects and cost-effective engineering with has led to them being awarded multiple Scottish Design Awards.

With a proven track record of delivering projects across the UK since the 1930s, RYBKA specialises in transport, hospitality, healthcare, education, commercial and defence. Key projects including – Dunfermline Learning Campus, East Lothian Community Hospital, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Edinburgh Airport Terminal Expansion and Village Hotels.



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Oznámení náborovým agenturám třetích stran Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že skupina BRUSH nepřijímá nevyžádané životopisy od personalistů. Bez souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent Acquisition Manager k předložení životopisů pro tuto roli nebude skupina BRUSH Group souhlasit s úhradou jakéhokoli poplatku za postoupení nebo náboru. V případě, že náborový pracovník nebo agentura, která podává životopis nebo kandidáta, bez předchozího souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent, si společnost BRUSH Group výslovně vyhrazuje právo tyto kandidáty sledovat a najmout bez jakéhokoli finančního závazku vůči náboru nebo agentuře. Veškeré nevyžádané životopisy, včetně životopisů předložených přímo vedoucím zaměstnancům, se považují za majetek BRUSH Group.