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Field Service Engineer

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Představení pracovního místa

We have a great opportunity for a Transformer Field Service Engineer to join our Transformer Service department in Loughborough, Leicestershire. The successful candidate will carry out on-site/off-site maintenance, inspections, repairs, installations, retrofits and modification of BRUSH’s range of Tapchanger and Transformer products.

Please note this position involves UK site working, in addition to attending sites both offshore and overseas, often for protracted periods.

Odpovědnost role

  • Supervise the off-loading and manoeuvring into position of large transformers (up to approximately 120 tonnes) and related equipment onto prepared foundations.
  • Strip down, rebuild Tapchanger’s / related equipment, fault find, repair, overhaul both on-site and in-works as required.
  • Interpret specifications and technical requirements; prepare method statements and prepare detailed and concise reports for submission to customers.
  • Undergo training if necessary, to ensure that current and future H&S requirements are met at all times.
  • Carry out an on-site risk assessment on every assignment and record details thereof on the special form provided.
  • Provide written reports on completion of each assignment.
  • Accurately record time, and on-site attendance.

Ideální kandidát


  • ONC (or equivalent) in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
  • Qualified through a recognised Craft apprenticeship in fitting and assembly operations on Tapchanger’s or transformers.
  • HNC (or equivalent) in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering is desirable.

Skills & Experience: 

  • Product knowledge or experience of competitor’s transformers and associated equipment would be advantageous.
  • Computer literate with the ability to maintain- accurate records
  • Transformer/tapchanger fitting, electrical wiring experience and testing knowledge is desirable.
  • Self-sufficient, resourceful and a problem solver.
  • Experience in representing a company at customers’ sites and operating remotely on own initiative.
  • Excellent communication skills.

O společnosti

BRUSH Transformers provide agile and adaptive engineering solutions and products, including consultancy services, design, and project management as well as award-winning product technology, to a wide range of projects.

A chosen partner for national and regional power generation and distribution network operators, through innovation and a commitment to delivering solutions that address grid-resilience and drive system change, we support the global drive to net-zero, helping create a future-proof Infrastructure.


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Oznámení náborovým agenturám třetích stran Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že skupina BRUSH nepřijímá nevyžádané životopisy od personalistů. Bez souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent Acquisition Manager k předložení životopisů pro tuto roli nebude skupina BRUSH Group souhlasit s úhradou jakéhokoli poplatku za postoupení nebo náboru. V případě, že náborový pracovník nebo agentura, která podává životopis nebo kandidáta, bez předchozího souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent, si společnost BRUSH Group výslovně vyhrazuje právo tyto kandidáty sledovat a najmout bez jakéhokoli finančního závazku vůči náboru nebo agentuře. Veškeré nevyžádané životopisy, včetně životopisů předložených přímo vedoucím zaměstnancům, se považují za majetek BRUSH Group.