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Field Service Co-Ordinator

Představení pracovního místa

Working closely with the site services manager, the successful candidate will be a motivated individual who is able to organise and manage the logistics of the field services team, and also the staff that are utilised under sub-contract services from supporting companies.

The logistics of projects include documentation, equipment hire, accommodation, travel and training. The program of scheduled work is fluid and often changes hourly hence the need for an individual to demonstrate excellent organisational skills.

Odpovědnost role

  • Organising and Managing resources as appropriate to support projects.
  • Create purchase requisitions relating to field services team.
  • Assist the Site Manager in site training needs and authorisations.
  • Responsible for updating project records with appointments, client project specification/selections, notes, managing change control and any other important project updates
  • Managing and updating project files.
  • Ensure all relevant paperwork is available for each project at appropriate times.
  • Preparation of new job packs for site teams.
  • Ensure all required approvals are in place for each project.
  • Plan, co-ordinate and review the progress of each project, taking any corrective action to meet and where possible, exceed the expectations of the client.
  • Assist in preparing Health & Safety documentation for each project.
  • Ensure all orders are correctly processed and recorded.
  • Price checking required from various suppliers to ensure most competitive prices are being achieved from suppliers at all times.
  • Support the office with administrative tasks, including data inputting, printing and scanning.
  • Provide administrative support for the Site Services Manager as requested.
  • Assist in Customer compliance Audits.
  • Ensure hiring equipment is delivered to site and off hired 
  • Maintain records of all workers' time, payroll and expenses.
  • Conduct weekly site planner meeting.
  • Liaising with sub-contractors, ensure all required & relevant paperwork is available.

Ideální kandidát

Qualifications / Experience

  • Good standard of general education and/or previous experience in similar role.
  • Experience of working within the construction industry desirable, but not essential.
  • Knowledge or experience in Health & Safety procedures desirable, but not essential.

  Skills / Knowledge

  • An advanced level of IT skills in Microsoft Package (i.e. Word, Excel, Outlook, SharePoint, etc.)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and a willingness to learn new skills.
  • Excellent organisational skills, including attention to detail and ability to use initiative.
  • Strong problem solving, prioritisation and multitasking skills.
  • Confident and resilient personality who is comfortable with a diverse workload.

O společnosti

BRUSH Switchgear provide agile and adaptive engineering solutions and products, including consultancy services, design, and project management as well as award-winning product technology, to a wide range of projects.

A chosen partner for national and regional power generation and distribution network operators, through innovation and a commitment to delivering solutions that address grid-resilience and drive system change, we support the global drive to net-zero, helping create a future-proof Infrastructure.



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Oznámení náborovým agenturám třetích stran Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že skupina BRUSH nepřijímá nevyžádané životopisy od personalistů. Bez souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent Acquisition Manager k předložení životopisů pro tuto roli nebude skupina BRUSH Group souhlasit s úhradou jakéhokoli poplatku za postoupení nebo náboru. V případě, že náborový pracovník nebo agentura, která podává životopis nebo kandidáta, bez předchozího souhlasu vedoucího akvizice skupiny Talent, si společnost BRUSH Group výslovně vyhrazuje právo tyto kandidáty sledovat a najmout bez jakéhokoli finančního závazku vůči náboru nebo agentuře. Veškeré nevyžádané životopisy, včetně životopisů předložených přímo vedoucím zaměstnancům, se považují za majetek BRUSH Group.